Horse For Sale


2013, 17.0 hand, Holsteiner Gelding - Jumper



"Pierogi" took an Adult Amateur from never having shown above 1m to 1.1m High Ch/Adult Zone Finals and ending the season at the rider's first WIHS. Simultaneously, he was showing in the Mini Prixs and Welcome Stakes with a professional "on the side", consistently in the top ribbons. Shown 1.4m at WEC Ocala in the ribbons this past winter.

This horse is extremely safe in every sense of the word. Tolerates mistakes with the same lovely expression and jump no matter what. Scopey, lovely and advanced movements on the flat, and 100% consistent. You'll always know what ride you're going to have when you walk into the ring. Perfect for an adult amateur wanting to move up, a junior, or a pro. Huge step when needed but very adjustable and holds himself together with cadence. Just the total package with great work ethic, unflappable, absolutely NO stop or spook.

I would put my grandmother on him or a child and send them off to do a 3' course knowing they'd make it around safe and sound and with a smile on their face. Has the stride, adjustability, and turns to hold his own in the larger classes. "Total packer" doesn't do him justice. Endearing and funny personality on the ground. Pierogi is that true safe, fun, capable, experienced unicorn so many people say they need in their barn. Located in Maryland. Phone calls/texts preferred.

Specs & Price

17.0 hands
Jumper, Equitation
Currently showing 1.35, 1.40m or 4'6"
Prospect for 1.35, 1.40m or 4'6"
3+ Years Showing
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Horse Show Record

USEF #5826449
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Listed On 5/23/2024

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